Affiliate Member Program

(launches in 2024)

Women enjoying a day of shopping during couples weekend.

Black people and their tourism dollars demand dignity.

And that’s all 109.4 billion of those dollars spent in the US on average each year. So when data shows that 42% of Black travelers say they have had an unwelcoming experience while on vacation, it is indeed perplexing—that is, until you look back at our history and realize little intentional work has been done to undo these trends. For our Affiliate Members, Sojourn Noir seeks to create professional learning spaces to begin this intentional work. Our aim is to ensure that hard earned Black dollars are spent in businesses that welcome, respect and inspire a sense of belonging for Black leisure travelers to York, PA.

For tourism, leisure, and service industry professionals, Sojourn Noir offers membership to our exclusive Bring Yourself Here Affiliate Program membership which includes:

  • Professional development through our Bring Yourself Here training modules

  • Site-based coaching, support and continuing education

  • Access to our tiered Bring Yourself Here Certification Program

  • Access to our Bring Yourself Here Co-marketing Campaigns to promote your business/organization 

  • 2 registrations to Sojourn Noir’s Bring Yourself Here Annual Conference

To whom much is given, much is required… and Black travelers give a lot to the travel industry:

Black travelers value meaningful travel experiences and it’s reflected in their spending.

In 2019, nationally, Black leisure travelers took an average of three overnight vacations with a stay of 2.5 nights for each trip and spent about $600 on each overnight stay. 

African American “cultural travelers” are the highest spenders, with an average per trip spend of $2,078 versus $1,345 for all African American travelers.

In a regional survey conducted by Sojourn Noir in 2021, Black respondents tend to stay longer and spend more on average per day on food and entertainment and per night on overnight accommodations.

We invite Affiliate Members to join us in creating the much-deserved welcoming and respectful experiences that will inspire a sense of belonging for Black leisure travelers to York, PA.

Affiliate Member section coming soon!

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