Outdoor Spaces

Bring your desire to explore.

The recent hashtag and motto #weoutside came about because of the pandemic. Many of us, cooped up in the house in an attempt to keep ourselves and our family members safe, were going a bit stir crazy in the four walls of our homes. With the coming of new protective measures, Millennials and Gen Z, proclaimed the streets were now open and they in fact, would be in them. The phrase, while cute and catchy, is also profound when coming from the mouths of Black folks.

Like sleep, the outside and all of its freedom, beauty, and wonder were purposely denied to Black citizens. From swimming in public pools, wading on the beach, or hiking, biking, and walking in nature, these simple acts were made dangerous and many times illegal for Black entry.

From the historic Rail Trail to neighborhood spaces like Penn Park, York is rich with fun, beautiful outdoor and adventure opportunities. Yet, Sojourn Noir understands the complicated history these spaces have held for Black people. We are committed to exposing Black travelers to emotionally safe, welcoming, and respectfully engaging activities for the adventure seeker. Nature and its bounty belong to all of us and undoing the feeling that Black people are unwelcome and unsafe in spaces that are rightfully theirs is work to which we are highly committed.