
Bring your need for rest and self-care.

While sleep is an inalienable right, it like all other basic human dignities, were made impossible to access from the start for Black people captured and trafficked across the Atlantic.

So when activists like the brilliant Tricia Hersey, also known as the Nap Bishop, speak of rest for Black people, she rightly points to it as a political issue because of the centuries long campaign to deny Black people rest and the physical health issue as rest and relaxation are a required part of functioning as a human being.

Sojourn Noir defines self care as the purposeful and intentional stepping away from systems of oppression whose purpose is to keep one too exhausted, frustrated and distracted to have space to dream, imagine, and actualize freedom. It includes but is not limited to nourishment from food, relationships and environment as well as the savoring of play, leisure, hobbies and, of course, rest and sleep.

Because Sojourn Noir believes in and understands the importance and power of rest for Black people as part of their everyday life and their travel and vacation, our work centers Black rest and the emotional safety of those resting spaces in York, PA.